or member type at any point in a command sequence, and then continue with additional
ACL commands in the new scope.
SET ACLTYPE memtype;
Sets the member type for subsequent ACL operations. Valid values are DATA,
CATALOG, VIEW, and MDDB. The default is DATA.
Sets the SPD Server user scope for subsequent ACL operations. The user scope restricts
your view to only those ACL records which have the specified user name as the owner of
the ACL entry. If name is omitted, the default is the user who assigns the libref.
To actually perform an ACL operation on a resource entry, you must
• be the ACL entry owner, or
• have CONTROL access over the ACL entry, or
• have ACLSPECIAL=YES enabled on your PROC SPDO LIBNAME connection.
Note: You must first issue a SET ACLUSER command before issuing any of the following
ACL commands.
ADD ACL acl1 acl2... [C=cat T=type] [/options]
Creates new ACL entries acl1 acl2... where ACL entries acl1 acl2 ... can be one-part
resource names or two-part table column names.
Add ACL Options
Grants universal READ access to the resource.
Grants universal WRITE access to the resource.
Grants universal ALTER access to the resource.
Grants group READ access to the resource.
Grants group WRITE access to the resource.
Grants group ALTER access to the resource.
Specifies that acl1 acl2... are generic ACLs.
Specifies that acl1 acl2... are persistent ACLs.
Identifies the special LIBNAME domain resource.
Specifies the name of another ACL. This option requests the software to copy all the
access permissions and access list entries from this ACL.
158 Chapter 14 • ACL Security Overview