
Add your SPD Server user IDs to the SPD Server password file. You should run the
SPD Account Manager to perform this function. You can add to or modify the SPD
Server password file at any time, even when SPD Server is running.
Use the SPD Account Manager to add users and groups. For more information, see,
"Connecting to SPD Server via ODBC, JDBC, and htmSQL" in the SAS Scalable
Performance Data (SPD) Server 4.5: User's Guide . After you set up and configure
your SPD Server host environment, examine the files in your InstallDir\ directory.
It contains various SAS programs to help you understand how to use various SPD
Server features. The sample files are the following:
auditraw.sas is used to read proxy audit files that do not include WHERE clause
auditwh.sas is used to read proxy audit files that include WHERE clause auditing.
audit.sql.sas is used to read an SQL audit file.
verify.sas is a SAS installation verification job. You should run it after you install
SPD Server.
passthru.sas demonstrates SQL Pass-Through usage. It gives examples of simple,
single-level Pass-Through and secondary libref and connection scenarios.
tempwork.sas demonstrates temporary LIBNAME domain support. Files created
in a temporary LIBNAME domain are automatically deleted when the SAS session
paraload.sas shows how to perform parallel loads from an existing table into an
SPD Server table. This technique exploits the parallel load capability in the SPD
Server LIBNAME proxy. The LIBNAME proxy uses the same technology as the
SQL LOAD TABLE statement.
aclcolrw.sas shows the use of ACL row and column security features.
symbsub.sas shows how symbolic substitution in Pass-Through SQL can provide
row-level security in tables.
fmtgrpby.sas shows how to use formatted parallel GROUP BY in SQL Pass-
rcperf is a Bourne shell script to start a "standard" Performance Server.
dynamic_cluster*.sas shows how to use dynamic clusters with a MIN and MAX
variable list.
minmax*.sas shows how to use a MIN and MAX variable list on an SPD Server
paralleljoin*.sas shows the use of the SQL Parallel Join performance
starjoin*.sas shows the use of the SQL Star Join performance enhancement.
index_scan*.sas shows the use of the SQL index scan performance enhancement.
materialize_view*.sasshows the use of the materialized view performance
Configuring SPD Server Software on Your Windows Host 45