a password expiration time; or a dash (-), which indicates that no password expiration
time is being specified. The expiration time requires the user to change his password
before the specified number of days has expired. The value, which is specified in days,
represents the number of days from today (the current day) that the password is valid.
the default group for the user; or a dash (-), which indicates that no default group is
being specified. If specified, the group definition must exist, which means that it was
created by a previous GROUPDEF command. Group affiliation can be changed by a
GROUPMEM command.
a maximum amount of time that is allowed between successful logins before the account
is no longer enabled, or a dash (-), which indicates that no timeout is being specified.
the number of password failures; or a dash (-), which indicates that no failure limit is
being specified. The value specifies the number of login failures allowed before the
user is disabled. A disabled can be re-enabled by the psmgr administrator using the
reset command.
the performance class of the user. This field is currently not being used.
authorizes a user to modify the password table.
authorize username userspasswd
the user ID of an SPD Server user.
a valid user's password.
Only a special user can update the password table. In other words, to use modification
commands such as ADD and DELETE, you must be a special user or the owner of the
password table. If you are not the owner of the password table, you can use the
AUTHORIZE command to authorize yourself to update the password table. Enter your
user ID and password in the password table, and then mark the user ID as special (by
specifying the authorization level as number 4 or higher).
For example, assume that the psmgr LIST command is used to obtain the following output:
-------- ------------- ------------
bar 7
foo 1
You can grant yourself privileges by using the AUTHORIZE command and specifying bar
as the user name bar, and include the bar password barpwd1.
authorize bar barpwd1
198 Chapter 15 • Managing SPD Server Passwords, Users, and Table ACLs