
The LOGFILE= and LOGTIME= spdsserv options are enabled by default with the
following shell variables:
Specifies the spdsserv process log file prefix.
Specifies the time of day to cycle the log file.
These settings enable automatic log filename generation and cycling by specifying the
log file prefix and the log file cycle time of day. The file path for the -logfile option is
generated by concatenating the LOGDIR= and LOGFILE= variables. For more
information about these options, see “SPD Server Host Commands” on page 27.
When automatic log filename generation and cycling are enabled, the only messages
that go to the InstallDir/log/spdsserv.log file are those written to STDERR.
If you want to disable automatic log filename generation and cycling, , change the
settings to empty pointers, such as the LOGFILE= and LOGTIME= options.
The rc.spds script allows you to use the SPD Server audit file facility, but the audit file
facility is not enabled by default. Use the following shell variables to configure the SPD
Server audit file facility:
Use the AUDDIR= shell variable to specify the directory for the audit log files.
Use the AUDFILE= shell variable to specify the prefix for audit log files.
Use the AUDFILESQL= shell variable to specify the prefix for SQL audit log files.
Use the AUDTIME= shell variable to specify the time of day (HH:MM) to cycle
the audit log file.
When AUDDIR= and AUDFILE= are set, you enable proxy audit file creation. When
AUDDIR= and AUDFILESQL= are set, you enable SQL audit file creation. If
AUDTIME= is set, automatic audit file cycling occurs at the specified time of day. For
more information about the audit file facility, see “SPD Server Host Commands” on
page 27.
User Password and Parameter Files: The rc.spds script assumes that you keep your
spdsserv.parm parameter file and your SPD Server user password file in the
InstallDir/site directory. If you do not, you need to change the ACLDIR= and
PARMDIR= assignments. You can include this script into your system start-up file so
that it executeds as part of starting the system. Otherwise, the SPD Server administrator
must manually start SPD Server after the system starts up.
After you have finished making your changes, save and close the rc.spds file.
Note: The example rc.spds script provided in the next step is a generic UNIX script.
Some additional path changes might be required for other operating environments.
For example, Linux operating systems do not keep the ps and grep commands in /
usr/bin, so changes are required.
Assuming that you want to use registered ports for your SPD Server host, and you
choose to use the default SPD Server Name Server port of 5190 and the SNET Server
port of 5191, add the following services to your /etc/services or /etc/inet/
services file on the SPD Server host machine.
spdsname 5190/tcp # SPDS Name Server
Configuring SPD Server Host Software for Your Site 21