othgrps char(40) Label = 'Other Groups'
expire char(6) Label = 'Expire Period'
mod_date char(32) Label = 'Password Last Modified'
log_date char(32) Label = 'Last Login'
timeout char(6) Label = 'Timeout Period'
strikes char(6) Label = 'Failed Login Attempts'}
DICTIONARY.ACLS {owner char(8) Label = 'Owner'
group char(8) Label = 'Group'
defacs char(56) Label = 'Default Access'
grpacs char(56) Label = 'Group Access'}
Example - Listing the Users in the Password Database using SQL
First, establish an SQL pass-through connection to SPD Server. To list all the users in the
password database, submit the following:
select *
from connection
to sasspds
(select *
from dictionary.pwdb)
To select only the user name and last log in date, submit:
select *
from connection
to sasspds
(select user, log_date
from dictionary.pwdb);
Example - Listing ACL Objects using SQL Pass-Through
To list all ACL objects for a user making a pass-through connection, submit the following:
select *
from connection
to sasspds
(select *
from dictionary.acls);
To find any ACL objects where "Jones" is the owner, submit the following:
select *
from connection
to sasspds
(select *
from dictionary.acls
where owner = "Jones");
Example - Listing ACL Objects using SQL Pass-Through 187