
SPD Server is invoked, connecting to the name server running on the machine called
'samson'. Despite no ACLs, a password file is still required in the directory called
Note: InstallDir is a documentation substitute for the actual path specification for the
directory where SPD Server is installed on a particular machine.
LIBNAME domains 'open_access' and 'mgmt_access' are registered with the name server.
The /disk1/sas_tables and /disk2/managers/data directories must exist, and the user ID that
invokes spdssrv must have read and write access to those directories. The following
LIBNAME statements connect a SAS client to the data areas:
LIBNAME open sasspds 'open_access'
LIBNAME mgmt sasspds 'mgmt_access'
Controlling SPD Server Resources with PROC
SPDO and ACL Commands
Overview of PROC SPDO
PROC SPDO is the SAS procedure for the SPD Server operator interface.
PROC SPDO runs only on systems where the SAS is installed.
PROC SPDO Command Set
To invoke PROC SPDO, submit:
PROC SPDO LIB=libref ;
where libref is a LIBNAME that was previously allocated to the sasspds engine.
Currently there are two classes of PROC SPDO commands:
ACL commands
LIBNAME proxy commands.
The ACL commands are described below with some simple examples that demonstrate
their syntax and usage. More detail on LIBNAME Proxy Commands are discussed in more
detail in “SPD Server Operator Interface Procedure (PROC SPDO) ” on page 209
Using ACL
An SPD Server Access Control List ( ACL) permits three distinct levels of permission on
a resource. First, you can grant UNIVERSAL permissions to SPD Server users who are
not in the same ACL group as the resource owner. Second, you can grant GROUP
permissions to SPD Server users who are in the same ACL group as the resource owner.
Third, you can grant USER permissions to a specific SPD Server user ID. The precedence
of permission checks is as follows:
Check user-specific permissions first. If defined, the accessor gets these permissions.
154 Chapter 14 ACL Security Overview