data d1.admin1_table2 ;
do i = 1 to 100 ;
output ;
end ;
run ;
/* generic ACL allows all users to */
/* read the tables */
PROC SPDO library=d1 ;
/* assign who owns the ACLs */
set acluser admin1 ;
/* Add a table and modify LIBNAME ACL */
/* for groupread and groupwrite. The */
/* ACL MUST include groupread to give */
/* users in the same group as admin2 */
/* the ability to read tables created */
/* by admin2 */
add ACL admin1_table2 /
admingrp=(y,n,n,y) ;
list ACL _all_;
/* admin2 has write privileges to the */
/* domain */
data admin2d1.admin2_table ;
do i = 1 to 100 ;
output ;
end ;
run ;
/* Admin2 must use PROC SPDO to allow */
/* users read access to the table. */
/* The PROC SPDO example below uses */
/* generic syntax with a read. This */
/* provides any user outside of the */
/* admingrp read access to tables */
/* that were created by acdmin2. The */
/* groupread and groupalter allow */
/* access by users within admingrp. */
PROC SPDO library=admin2d1 ;
/* Assign who owns the ACLs */
set acluser admin2 ;
/* Modify LIBNAME ACL for groupread */
/* and groupwrite. The ACL MUST */
/* include groupread if other users */
ACL Security Examples 179