If you want spdsclean to log the files it deletes, add the -verbose option to the command.
spdsclean -parmfile /opt/spds45/site/spdsserv.parm -verbose
Cleaning Residual Temporary LIBNAME Domain Files
This spdsclean command cleans all of the residual temporary files from all of the
LIBNAME domains that are defined in the -libnamefile specified.
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm
If you want spdsclean to log the files it deletes, just add the -verbose option to the
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm -verbose
Cleaning Specific LIBNAME Domains
This spdsclean command cleans all residual temporary files from the LIBNAME domain
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm -domains trial99
Suppose that you want to add domain UJOE04 to be cleaned also. The following command
will do this:
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm -domains trial99, ujoe04
Suppose you want to clean all TRIAL9x domains and all domains that begin with UJOE
from the specified -libnamefile. The following command will do this:
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm -domains trial9?, ujoe*
To log the domains processed and the files deleted from each, just add the -verbose option
to any of these spdsclean commands.
Cleaning Other LIBNAME Domain File Classes
This spdsclean command only cleans the ACL files from LIBNAME domains that begin
with ' UJOE' that are defined in the specified -libnamefile. Because of the +tmp option,
deleting residual temporary files is suppressed. To log the LIBNAME domains cleaned
and the ACL files deleted, add the -verbose option.
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm +tmp -acl -domains ujoe*
To clean domain state files from domains TRIAL9x for the specified -libnamefile.
submit the following spdsclean command:
spdsclean -libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm
-domains trial9? -lib11 +tmp
To log the LIBNAME domains that were cleaned and the files that were deleted, add the
-verbose option.
Cleaning WORKPATH and LIBNAME Combinations
This spdsclean command cleans all of the WORKPATH files from the directory list
specified in -parmfile and cleans residual temporary files from domain directories
specified in -libnamefile.
Cleaning WORKPATH and LIBNAME Combinations 255