
The utility creates the backup data file backup_BK_04Feb2008_233000.0.0.0.spds
and a backup table of contents file backup_TC_04Feb2008_233000.
The backup file contains incremental changes for tables that were modified after
23:30:00 on February 3, 2008, and full backups of tables created after 23:30:00 on
February 4, 2008. Only the tables that were modified or created since the last full backup
date are included in the backup file. The table of contents file contains information for
each table that was either incrementally or fully backed up.
Archive the SPD Server backup file and source in the table of contents file into a SAS
table of contents table.
On Tuesday night through Saturday night, use the SPD Server backup facility to do
incremental backups of previously backed up tables and full backups of the newly
created tables:
spdsbkup -d test -h host -s serv -f backup
There is no last full backup date specified for the remaining week's incremental
backups. The SPD Server backup utility performs incremental backups of tables that
were previously backed up and full backups of tables that were created since the
previous night's backup. Although the same filename prefix is specified each night,
spdsbkup saves each night's backup to a different file, appending the date/time of the
backup to the filename.
Archive the incremental data file and source in the table of contents file into a SAS
table of contents table.
Example 3: Restoring a Single SPD Server Table
Use the following steps to restore a table that was accidentally deleted from the domain
"test" on Friday, February 8, 2008.
If the table was backed up fully by the operating system backup utility, use the system
restore utility to restore the table. (Restore the table to its last full backup image, taken
on February 3, 2008.) If the table was backed up fully by the SPD Server backup utility,
skip this step.
Run a SAS query on the backup table of contents table bkup.toc.
select bk_file from foo.bkup_toc
where domain = "test"
and table = "results"
and dttime >= '03Feb2008:23:30:00'd;
The query results indicate which SPD Server backup files are required to restore the
table to its last full backup state.
Restore the archived SPD Server backup files and any extensions that are required to
restore the table.
Run spdsrstr on each sequential SPD Server backup file to restore the table. The order
runs from the oldest backup date to the most recent backup date. Our example table
was backed up fully using the SPD Server backup utility on Sunday, February 3, 2008.
The table was then backed up incrementally on Tuesday, February 5, and Thursday,
February 7. Thus, the order of the statements required to restore the table are
spdsrstr -d test -h host -s serv -f backup_BK_03Feb2008_233000.0.0.0.spds results
spdsrstr -d test -h host-s serv -f backup_BK_05Feb2008_233000.0.0.0.spds results
spdsrstr -d test -h host -s serv -f backup_BK_07Feb2008_233000.0.0.0.spds results
Restore Usage Examples 245