
port number that was used during the SPD Server host installation. If you are already
running SAS with an earlier version of SPD Server, this service name is probably
already defined. You can either define another service name for the SAS client to use
(for example, sp45name) or you can directly include the SPD Server port number in
your SAS statements.
The SPD Server host can be accessed via the SAS ODBC driver, the SAS JDBC driver,
and SAS htmSQL. Each of these drivers can be downloaded from the support link of
the SAS Web at http://support.sas.com.
For more information about connecting and configuring these applications, see Chapter
6 in the SAS Scalable Performance Data (SPD) Server 4.5: User's Guide, "Using SPD
Server with Other Clients.".
ODBC client applications require installation of the spds.dll application extension.
Install the ODBC client application extension as follows:
Install the SAS/ODBC Driver Version 9
<drive letter>:\Program Files\sas\shared files\general
Configure an ODBC Data Source for direct SPD Server access.
Testing Your SPD Server Installation Using SAS
Testing your SPD Server installation is relatively simple. To verify, you only need to make
two SAS LIBNAME assignments using the SPD Server LIBNAME engine. The examples
in this section refer to the SASSPDS engine, the engine for SAS 9.2.
Start the SPD Server environment as described in step 3 of the section “Validating
Default Port and Library Assignments” on page 41.
On the SPD Server client machine, invoke SAS and make the following LIBNAME
libname test sasspds 'tmp' server=serverNode.port user='anonymous';
ServerNode is the Name Server's network node name and port is either the numeric
value used to start the Name Server or the named service you chose to use to access
the SPD Server Name Server. Remember that name services allow you to connect to a
Name Server using a character string instead of specifying a port number. Assuming
you used the default numeric port assignment of 5400, your assignment would look
libname test sasspds 'tmp' server=serverNode.5400 user='anonymous';
Or if you were using spdsname to provide named services, your assignment would
resemble this:
libname test sasspds 'tmp' server=serverNode.spdsname user='anonymous';
In addition, you should verify that the Row Level Integrity LIBNAME assignment
works correctly:
libname testrl sasspds 'tmp' server=serverNode.port user='anonymous' locking=YES;
Testing Your SPD Server Installation Using SAS 47