spdsclean -parmfile /opt/spds45/site/spdsserv.parm
-libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm -verbose
Logging occurs for the WORKPATH and LIBNAME domain directories and for the files
that were deleted from each.
Cleaning Log Files
This spdsclean command cleans the .spdslog files from the specified -logdir directory
that are more than seven days old.
spdsclean -logdir /opt/spds45/log
Suppose you want to keep log files older than 10 days from the date of execution. The
following spdsclean command will do this:
spdsclean -logdir /opt/spds45/log -logage 10
If you want to see the files that were deleted, add the-verbose option to the spdsclean
Cleaning WORKPATH, LIBNAME Domain and Log Files
This spdsclean command cleans WORKPATH files from the directory list in -
parmfile, residual temporary files from domain directories in -libnamefile, and
cleans .spdslog files that are older than seven days from the -logdir directory.
spdsclean -parmfile /opt/spds45/site/spdsserv.parm
-libnamefile /opt/spds45/site/libnames.parm
-logdir /opt/spds45/log -verbose
ACL Files
When you create SPD Server Access Control Lists (ACLs), hidden ACL files are
created in the primary directory of the LIBNAME domain. The hidden files are
named .spres11* and .sppro11*. The hidden ACL files retain the state of the ACLs that
were defined for the LIBNAME domain resources. Normally, you should not delete
ACL files.
Domain State File
The domain state file is also known as .spdslib11. The domain state file retains the set
of directory paths that are configured for the LIBNAME domain. The directory path
information is stored as an ordered list for each of the SPD Server domain storage
As you make LIBNAME assignments over the life of the domain, the new directories
are appended to the end of the ordered lists for METAPATH=, DATAPATH=, and
INDEXPATH= storage classes. The order of directories listed in the .spdslib11 file
defines the order of data cycling and overflow sequencing for each of the respective
256 Chapter 20 • SPD Server Directory Cleanup Utility