/* LIBNAME access for user anonymous */
PROC SPDO library=libinher ;
/* Admin owns these ACLs */
set acluser admin ;
/* Add a LIBNAME ACL to d1 */
add acl / libname ;
/* Modify LIBNAME ACL Domain d1 */
/* Allow users in Group 1 */
/* read-only access to domain */
modify acl / libname read ;
list acl _all_ ;
quit ;
/* Set up LIBNAME access for */
/* user anonymous */
PROC SPDO library=noinher ;
/* Specify who owns these ACLs */
set acluser admin ;
/* add a LIBNAME ACL to d1 */
add acl / libname ;
/* Modify LIBNAME ACL Domain d1 */
/* Allow users in Group 1 read- */
/* only access to the domain */
modify acl / libname read ;
list acl _all_ ;
quit ;
LIBNAME a_inher sasspds 'libinher'
user='anonymous' ;
LIBNAME a_noher sasspds 'noinher'
user='anonymous' ;
PROC PRINT data=a_inher.admins_table ;
title 'with libaclinher' ;
run ;