Section 15 Serial Communication Interface with FIFO
Page 744 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
1 SPB2IO 0 R/W Serial Port Break Input/Output
Indicates input or output of the serial port TxD pin.
When the TxD pin is actually used as a port outputting
the SPB2DT bit value, the TE bit in SCSCR should be
cleared to 0.
0: SPB2DT bit value not output to TxD pin
1: SPB2DT bit value output to TxD pin
0 SPB2DT 0 R/W Serial Port Break Data
Indicates the input data of the RxD pin and the output
data of the TxD pin used as serial ports. Input/output is
specified by the SPB2IO bit. When the TxD pin is set to
output, the SPB2DT bit value is output to the TxD pin.
The RxD pin status is read from the SPB2DT bit
regardless of the SPB2IO bit setting. However, RxD
input and TxD output must be set in the PFC.
0: Input/output data is low level
1: Input/output data is high level