Section 26 USB 2.0 Host/Function Module
Page 1420 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
13 CSCLR 0 R/W*
C-SPLIT Status Clear for Split Transaction
When the host controller function is selected,
setting this bit to 1 clears the CSSTS bit to 0 for the
transfer using the split transaction. In this case, the
next DCP transfer restarts with the S-SPLIT.
0: Invalid
1: Clears the CSSTS bit to 0.
When this bit is set to 1, this module clears the
CSSTS bit to 0.
For the transfer using the split transaction, to restart
the next transfer with the S-SPLIT forcibly, set this
bit to 1. However, for the normal split transaction,
this module automatically clears the CSSTS bit to 0
upon completion of the C-SPLIT; therefore, clearing
the CSSTS bit is not necessary.
Controlling the CSSTS bit through this bit must be
done while UACT is 0 and thus communication is
halted or while no transfer is being performed with
bus disconnection detected.
Setting this bit to 1 while CSSTS is 0 has no effect.
When the function controller function is selected, be
sure to write 0 to this bit.
Indicates the C-SPLIT status of the split transaction
when the host controller function is selected.
0: START-SPLIT (S-SPLIT) transaction being
processed or the device not using the split
transaction being processed
1: C-SPLIT transaction being processed
This module sets this bit to 1 upon start of the C-
SPLIT and clears this bit to 0 upon detection of C-
SPLIT completion.
When the function controller function is selected,
the read value is invalid.