Section 26 USB 2.0 Host/Function Module
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 1521 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
(d) Modifying MBW Bits when the Pipe is in the Receiving Direction
When the specified pipe is in the receiving direction, modify the MBW bits in the FIFO port select
registers (CFIFOSEL, D0FIFOSEL, D1FIFOSEL) simultaneously with the CURPIPE bits. When
the DCP is currently set (CURPIPE = 000) in the CFIFO port select register, modify the MBW
bits simultaneously with the CURPIPE bits or ISEL bit.
To modify only the MBW bits for the currently set pipe, follow the procedure below. Once the
buffer memory starts to be read out, however, do not modify the MBW bits until the entire data
has been read out.
When the selected CURPIPE is in the writing direction to buffer memory, the port access width
can be changed simply by setting the MBW bits.
Once the buffer memory starts to be written to, however, do not modify the port access width from
8 bits to 16 or 32 bits, or from16 bits to 32 bits.
When CURPIPE setting is not DCP (000) for D0FIFO, D1FIFO, or CFIFO
Set CURPIPE to 00.
MBW modification end
Read CURPIPE to check that
the read value agrees with
the written value.
Read CURPIPE to check that
the read value agrees with
the written value.
Set CURPIPE to the value other than
the current value.
Set MBW to any value and set CURPIPE
to the value (pipe) that has been set before
step [1].
Figure 26.14 MBW Modification Procedure Example when CURPIPE Setting is not DCP
(000) for D0FIFO, D1FIFO, or CFIFO