Section 35 Motor Control PWM Timer
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 1843 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
(4) Next Frame
When a compare match occurs between PWCNT_n and PWCYR_n, data is transferred from the
buffer register to the duty register. PWCNT_n is reset and starts counting up from H'000. The
CMF bit in PWCR_n is set, and if the IE bit in PWCR_n has been set, an interrupt can be
requested or the direct memory access controller can be activated.
(5) Stopping
When the CST bit in PWCR_n is cleared to 0, PWCNT_n is reset and stops. All PWM outputs go
low (or high if the corresponding bit in PWPR_n is set to 1).
35.5.2 Buffer Transfer Control
Setting a corresponding bit in the PWM buffer transfer control register disables a buffer transfer
on compare match. This prevents the output from changing when compare match occurs while the
buffer register is being changed. A buffer transfer on compare match is resumed after cleaning the
Buffer updated
Buffer updated
Buffer updated
Buffer updated
Disabled Enabled
Disabled: 1
Enabled: 0
Figure 35.8 Disabling Buffer Transfer