Section 26 USB 2.0 Host/Function Module
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 1383 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
11 ATTCHE 0 R/W Connection Detection Interrupt Enable
Enables or disables the USB interrupt request when
the ATTCH interrupt is detected.
0: Interrupt request disabled
1: Interrupt request enabled
10 to 7 All 0 R Reserved
These bits are always read as 0. The write value
should always be 0.
6 EOFERRE 0 R/W EOF Error Detection Interrupt Enable
Enables or disables the USB interrupt request when
the EOFERR interrupt is detected.
0: Interrupt request disabled
1: Interrupt request enabled
5 SIGNE 0 R/W Setup Transaction Error Interrupt Enable
Enables or disables the USB interrupt request when
the SIGN interrupt is detected.
0: Interrupt request disabled
1: Interrupt request enabled
4 SACKE 0 R/W Setup Transaction Normal Response Interrupt
Enables or disables the USB interrupt request when
the SACK interrupt is detected.
0: Interrupt request disabled
1: Interrupt request enabled
3 to 0 All 0 R Reserved
These bits are always read as 0. The write value
should always be 0.
Note: The INTENB1 register bits can be set to 1 only when the host controller function is selected;
do not set these bits to 1 to enable the corresponding interrupt output when the function
controller function is selected.