Section 21 IEBus
Page 1122 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
6 TXS 0 R/(W)* Transmit Start
Indicates that this module starts transmission.
[Setting condition]
During master transmission, the arbitration is won
and the master address field transmission is
[Clearing condition]
When 1 is written
5 TXF 0 R/(W)* Transmit Normal Completion
Indicates that data for the number of bytes specified by
the message length bits has been transmitted with no
[Setting condition]
When data for the number of bytes specified by the
message length bits has been transmitted normally
[Clearing condition]
When 1 is written
4 0 R Reserved
This bit is always read as 0. The write value should
always be 0.
3 TXEAL 0 R/(W)* Arbitration Loss
This module retransmits from the start bit for the
number of times specified by the RN bit in IEMCR if the
arbitration has been lost in master communications. If
the arbitration has been lost for the specified number of
times, the TXEAL is set to enter the wait state. If the
arbitration has been won within retransmit for the
specified number of times, this flag is not set to 1. This
flag is set only when the arbitration has been lost and
the wait state is entered.
[Setting condition]
When the arbitration has been lost during data
transmission and the transmission has been
[Clearing condition]
When 1 is written