Section 6 Exception Handling
Page 136 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Exception Sources
Numbers Vector Table Address Offset
External interrupts (IRQ, PINT),
on-chip peripheral module interrupts*
H'00000100 to H'00000103
H'000007FC to H'000007FF
Note: * The vector numbers and vector table address offsets for each external interrupt and on-
chip peripheral module interrupt are given in table 7.4 in section 7, Interrupt Controller.
Table 6.4 Calculating Exception Handling Vector Table Addresses
Exception Source Vector Table Address Calculation
Resets Vector table address = (vector table address offset)
= (vector number) 4
Address errors, register bank
errors, interrupts, instructions
Vector table address = VBR + (vector table address offset)
= VBR + (vector number) 4
Notes: 1. Vector table address offset: See table 6.3.
2. Vector number: See table 6.3.