Section 11 Multi-Function Timer Pulse Unit 2
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 579 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Basic Operation Example of A/D Converter Start Request Delaying Function
Figure 11.74 shows a basic example of A/D converter request signal (TRG4AN) operation
when the trough of TCNT_4 is specified for the buffer transfer timing and an A/D converter
start request signal is output during TCNT_4 down-counting.
Transfer from cycle buffer
register to cycle register
Transfer from cycle buffer
register to cycle register
Transfer from cycle buffer
register to cycle register
A/D converter start request
(Complementary PWM mode)
Figure 11.74 Basic Example of A/D Converter Start Request Signal (TRG4AN) Operation
Buffer Transfer
The data in the timer A/D converter start request cycle set registers (TADCORA_4 and
TADCORB_4) is updated by writing data to the timer A/D converter start request cycle set
buffer registers (TADCOBRA_4 and TADCOBRB_4). Data is transferred from the buffer
registers to the respective cycle set registers at the timing selected with the BF1 and BF0 bits
in the timer A/D converter start request control register (TADCR_4).
A/D Converter Start Request Delaying Function Linked with Interrupt Skipping
A/D converter start requests (TRG4AN and TRG4BN) can be issued in coordination with
interrupt skipping by making settings in the ITA3AE, ITA4VE, ITB3AE, and ITB4VE bits in
the timer A/D converter start request control register (TADCR).
Figure 11.75 shows an example of A/D converter start request signal (TRG4AN) operation
when TRG4AN output is enabled during TCNT_4 up counting and down counting and A/D
converter start requests are linked with interrupt skipping.
Figure 11.76 shows another example of A/D converter start request signal (TRG4AN)
operation when TRG4AN output is enabled during TCNT_4 up counting and A/D converter
start requests are linked with interrupt skipping.