Section 9 Bus State Controller
Page 358 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
No. Condition Description Range Note
[4] WM in
This bit enables or disables external
WAIT pin input for the memory
types other than SDRAM. When
this bit is cleared to 0 (external
WAIT enabled), one idle cycle is
inserted to check the external WAIT
pin input after the access is
completed. When this bit is set to 1
(disabled), no idle cycle is
0 or 1
[5] Read data
transfer cycle
One idle cycle is inserted after a
read access is completed. This idle
cycle is not generated for the first or
middle cycles in divided access
cycles. This is neither generated
when the HW[1:0] bits in CSnWCR
are not B'00.
0 or 1 One idle cycle is always
generated after a read cycle
[6] Internal bus
idle cycles, etc.
External bus access requests from
the CPU or the direct memory
access controller and their results
are passed through the internal
bus. The external bus enters idle
state during internal bus idle cycles
or while a bus other than the
external bus is being accessed.
This condition is not effective for
divided access cycles, which are
generated by the bus state
controller when the access size is
larger than the external data bus
0 or
The number of internal bus
idle cycles may not become
0 depending on the I:B
clock ratio. Tables 9.17 and
9.18 show the relationship
between the clock ratio and
the minimum number of
internal bus idle cycles.