Section 10 Direct Memory Access Controller
Page 374 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
10.2 Input/Output Pins
Table 10.1 lists the pin configuration of this module. This module has pins for two channels
(channels 0 and 1*) for external bus use.
Table 10.1 Pin Configuration
Channel Name Abbreviation I/O Function
0 DMA transfer request DREQ0 I DMA transfer request input from an
external device to channel 0
DMA transfer request
DACK0 O DMA transfer request acknowledge
output from channel 0 to an external
DMA transfer end TEND0 O DMA transfer end output for channel 0
1 DMA transfer request* DREQ1 I DMA transfer request input from an
external device to channel 1
DMA transfer request
DACK1 O DMA transfer request acknowledge
output from channel 1 to an external
DMA transfer end* TEND1 O DMA transfer end output for channel 1
Note: * Pins in channel 1 can be used only in the SH7264 Group.