Section 10 Direct Memory Access Controller
Page 386 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
Bit Bit Name
Value R/W Description
31 TC 0 R/W Transfer Count Mode
Specifies whether to transmit data once or for the
count specified in DMATCR by one transfer request.
This function is valid only in on-chip peripheral module
request mode. Note that when this bit is set to 0, the
TB bit must not be set to 1 (burst mode). Do not set TC
to 1 when a module other than multi-function timer
pulse unit 2, compare-match timer, controller area
network, CD-ROM decoder, or A/D converter is set as
the transfer request source.
0: Transmits data once by one transfer request
1: Transmits data for the count specified in DMATCR
by one transfer request
30 0 R Reserved
This bit is always read as 0. The write value should
always be 0.
29 RLDSAR 0 R/W SAR Reload Function ON/OFF
Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the function to reload
0: Disables (OFF) the function to reload SAR and
1: Enables (ON) the function to reload SAR and
28 RLDDAR 0 R/W DAR Reload Function ON/OFF
Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the function to reload
0: Disables (OFF) the function to reload DAR and
1: Enables (ON) the function to reload DAR and
27 0 R Reserved
This bit is always read as 0. The write value should
always be 0.