Section 20 Controller Area Network
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 1049 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
(8) Reference Mark Register (RFMK)
This register is a 16-bit read-only register. The purpose of this register is to capture Local Time
(TCNTR) at SOF of the reference message when the message is received or transmitted
successfully. In ET mode this register is not used and it is always cleared to zero.
RFMK (Address = H'094)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Bit:
Initial value:
Bit 15 to 0 — Reference Mark Register (RFMK): Indicates the value of TCNTR at SOF of time
reference message.
(9) Timer Compare Match Registers (TCMR0, TCMR1, TCMR2)
These three registers are 16-bit read/write registers and are capable of generating interrupt signals,
clearing-setting the Timer value (only supported by TCMR0) or clear the transmission messages
in the queue (only supported by TCMR2). TCMR0 is compared with TCNTR, however, TCMR1
and TCMR2 are compared with CYCTR.
The value used for the compare can be configured independently for each register. In order to set
flags, TTCR0 bit 12-10 needs to be set.
In Time-Trigger mode, TTCR0 bit6 has to be cleared by software to prevent TCNTR from being
TMCR0 is for Init_Watch_Trigger, and TCMR2 is for Watch_Trigger.
The interrupts are flagged by the Bit11, Bit15 and 14 in the IRR accordingly when a Compare
Match occurs, and setting these bits can be enabled by Bit12, Bit11, Bit10 in TTCR0. The
generation of interrupt signals itself can be prevented by the Bit11, Bit15 and Bit14 in the IMR.
When a Compare Match occurs and the IRR11 (or IRR15 or IRR14) is set, the Bit3 or Bit2 or Bit1
in the TSR (Timer Status Register) is also set. Clearing the IRR bit also clears the corresponding
bit of TSR.