Section 13 Watchdog Timer
Page 672 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
13.4.3 Using Interval Timer Mode
When operating in interval timer mode, interval timer interrupts are generated at every overflow of
the counter. This enables interrupts to be generated at set periods.
1. Clear the WT/IT bit in WTCSR to 0, set the type of count clock in the CKS[2:0] bits in
WTCSR, and set the initial value of the counter in WTCNT.
2. Set the TME bit in WTCSR to 1 to start the count in interval timer mode.
3. When the counter overflows, this module sets the IOVF bit in WTCSR to 1 and an interval
timer interrupt request is sent to the interrupt controller. The counter then resumes counting.
WTCNT value
ITI: Interval timer interrupt request generation
WT/IT = 0
TME = 1
Overflow Overflow Overflow Overflow
Figure 13.5 Operation in Interval Timer Mode