Section 27 Video Display Controller 3
R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00 Page 1627 of 2108
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
27.8.2 How to Use Video Recording Mode
This section describes how to start and stop video recording.
Table 27.17 shows the settings for starting recording, and table 27.18 shows the settings for
stopping recording. When recording is restarted after being stopped, the address calculation is
initialized and video storing restarts from the base address.
Table 27.17 Register Settings for Starting Video Recording
Register Name Setting
VIDEO_MODE[16] H'0 (IV1-BUS is a big-endian bus)
VIDEO_SIZE[24:16] For NTSC: H'0F0
For PAL: H'120
VIDEO_VSTART[24:16] For BT.656 NTSC: H'010
For BT.656 PAL: H'016
For BT.601: Specify the vertical start position of the valid video in
the TOP field.
VIDEO_VSTART[8:0] For BT.656 NTSC: H'117
For BT.656 PAL: H'14F
For BT.601: Specify the vertical start position of the valid video in
the BOTTOM field.
VIDEO_HSTART[8:0] For BT.656 NTSC: H'114
For BT.656 PAL: H'120
For BT.601: Specify the horizontal start position of the valid video.
VIDEO_SAVE_NUM[9:0] Specify the number of fields to be stored.
VIDEO_BASEADR[31:0] Specify the base address.
VIDEO_LINE_OFFSET[31:0] Specify the line offset.
VIDEO_FIELD_OFFSET[31:0] Specify the field offset.