Symmetricom 59551A GPS Receiver User Manual

Chapter 5 Command Reference
1 PPS Reference Synchronization
Operating and Programming Guide 5-27
1 PPS Reference Synchronization
1 PPS and 10 MHz (58503B only) output signals are generated by the
Receiver’s internal reference oscillator. This oscillator is synchronized
(phased locked) to GPS while a sufficient number of satellites are tracked.
When the GPS signal is interrupted or absent, the Receiver maintains timing
and frequency accuracy through its oscillator “holdover” process. While in
holdover, the frequency of the reference oscillator is adjusted as necessary to
compensate for aging characteristics. The Receiver returns to “locked”
operation through a “holdover recovery” process.
The following commands are provided to monitor the operating mode of the
reference oscillator, to determine the accuracy and stability of the reference
output signal(s), and to control the oscillator holdover process.
Monitoring 1 PPS Synchronization
Assessing 1 PPS Quality
:SYNChronization:HOLDover:DURation:THReshold ...
Operating in Holdover
" Initiating Manual Holdover
" Recovering from Holdover