Symmetricom 59551A GPS Receiver User Manual

Chapter 5 Command Reference
Operating Status
5-68 Operating and Programming Guide
Monitoring Status/Alarm Conditions ___________
Reporting Questionable Status ____________________________
This command sets the User-reported bit of the Questionable Condition
Expanded Syntax
:STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition:USER SET or CLEar
SET will cause the User-reported bit of Questionable Condition Register to be
set to 1.
CLEar will cause the User-reported bit of Questionable Condition Register to
be set to 0.
Side Effects
The User-reported bit of the Questionable Condition Register is set or cleared
by this command.
A condition change (from SET to CLEAR, or CLEAR to SET) of the User-
reported bit of the Questionable Condition Register, and the appropriate
configuration of the Questionable Transition Filter is necessary to generate an
event in the Questionable Event Register.
Furthermore, when the User-reported bit of Questionable Event Enable
Register is enabled, and the Questionable Summary bit of the Alarm Enable
Register is enabled, then a transition of the User-reported condition will
generate an ALARM.
:STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition:USER . . .
Sets the User-reported bit of the Questionable Condition Register.