3 Installation
MiLLennium GPSCard and Enclosures Guide to Installation & Operation 21
Note: See Appendix B, Page 33 for specifications concerning external power inputs.
The MiLLennium requires only one regulated power input of Vcc = +5 V DC
It is possible to supply power to the LNA on an active antenna either from the MiLLennium or from an external source.
The MiLLennium is factory-configured for operation with any of the GPSAntenna models, in which case no special
wiring or configuration is required: the P301 jumper (see Figure 4) is normally set for internal operation (pins 1 and 2).
The MiLLennium’s internal antenna power supply can produce 4.25 - 5.25 V DC at up to 90 mA. If the antenna draws
more than 90 mA of current, power to the antenna will be disabled and the antenna self-test status flag set to zero; refer to
the RVSA/B log in the MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual for self-test status codes.
Figure 4 LNA Power Jumper P301–3Cases
Reference Description
4 Case 1: No power to LNA
5 Case 2: Internal power source (default)
6 Case 3: External power source
If a different antenna is used whose LNA requires voltage and/or current capacity beyond what the MiLLennium can
produce, then the external LNA power option must be utilized - this requires that P301 must be jumpered between pins 2
and 3. The input cannot exceed +30 V DC at 100 mA. When the LNA jumper plug is in the external position, the
antenna sensing circuit will cause the self-test status code to always report antenna status as 1 (good). Refer to the
RVSA/B log in the MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual for self-test status codes.
If no LNA power required, remove the jumper at P301 completely.
Table 3 Antenna LNA Power Configuration
P301: plug
connects pins 1&2
P301: plug connects
pins 2&3
P301: no plug
ANTENNAPOWER = ON internal power
connected to LNA
no external effect no external effect
ANTENNAPOWER = OFF internal power cut
off from LNA
no external effect no external effect
The setting of this command will also affect the way the MiLLennium’s self-test diagnostics report the antenna’s status;
please refer to the description of the ANTENNAPOWER command in the MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual.