LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers
for CHildren) SYSTEM
Your vehicle is equipped with special anchor
points thatare usedwith LATCH(Lower Anchors
and Tethers for CHildren) system compatible
child restraints. This system may alsobe referred
to as the ISOFIX or ISOFIX compatible system.
Withthis system,youdo nothave tousea vehicle
seat belt to secure the child restraint.
LATCH lower anchor
Failureto followthe warningsand instruc-
tions for proper use and installation of
child restraints could result in serious in-
jury or death of a child or other passen-
gers in a sudden stop or collision:
– Attach LATCH system compatible
child restraints only at the locations
shown in the illustration.
– Do not secure a child restraint in the
center rear seating position using
the LATCH lower anchors. The child
restraintwill notbe securedproperly.
– Inspect the lower anchors by insert-
ingyour fingersinto thelower anchor
area. Feel to make sure there are no
obstructions over the anchors such
as seat belt webbing or seat cushion
material. The child restraint will not
be secured properly if the lower an-
chors are obstructed.
LATCH system lower anchor locations
LATCH lower anchor location
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-29