Troubleshooting guide:
Symptom Cause and Countermeasure
Cannot play
Check ifthe disc was insertedcorrectly.
Check ifthe disc is scratchedor dirty.
Check ifthere is condensation insidethe player. If thereis, wait untilthe condensation is gone(about 1 hour)before using the player.
If thereis a temperature increaseerror, the CD playerwill play correctlyafter it returns tothe normal temperature.
If thereis a mixture ofmusic CD files (CD-DAdata) and MP3/WMAfiles on a CD,only the musicCD files (CD-DA data)will be played.
Files withextensions other than “.MP3”,“.WMA”, “.mp3”or “.wma”cannot be played.In addition, thecharacter codes and numberof characters for
folder namesand file names shouldbe in compliance withthe specifications.
Check ifthe finalization process, suchas session close anddisc close, isdone for the disc.
Check ifthe disc is protectedby copyright.
Poorsound quality
Check ifthe disc is scratchedor dirty.
Bit ratemay be too low.
It takesa relatively long time
before themusic starts
If thereare many folders orfile levels on theMP3/WMA disc, orif it is amultisession disc, sometime may be requiredbefore the musicstarts playing.
Music cutsoff or skips
The writingsoftware and hardware combinationmight not match, orthe writing speed,writing depth, writing width,etc., might notmatch the
specifications. Tryusing the slowest writingspeed.
Skipping withhigh bit rate
Skipping mayoccur with large quantitiesof data, such asfor high bitrate data.
Moves immediatelyto the
next songwhen playing
When anon-MP3/WMA file has beengiven an extension of“.MP3”,“.WMA”, .“mp3”or “.wma”, orwhen play isprohibited by copyright protection,there
will beapproximately 5 seconds ofno sound and thenthe player willskip to the nextsong.
Songs donot play back in
the desiredorder
The playbackorder is the orderin which the fileswere written bythe writing software. Therefore,the files mightnot play in thedesired order.
Heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-23