● Do not ride in a moving vehicle when
the seatback is reclined. This can be
dangerous. The shoulder belt will not
be against your body. In an accident,
you could be thrown into it and receive
neck or other serious injuries. You
could also slide under the lap belt and
receive serious internal injuries.
● For the most effective protection when
the vehicle is in motion, theseat should
be upright. Always sit well back in the
seat with both feet on the floor and
adjust the seat properly. See “Precau-
tions on seat belt usage” later in this
● Afteradjustment, gentlyrock inthe seat
to make sure it is securely locked.
● Donot leavechildren unattendedinside
the vehicle.They couldunknowingly ac-
tivate switches or controls. Unattended
children could become involved in seri-
ous accidents.
● The seatback should not be reclined
any morethan needed forcomfort. Seat
belts are most effective when the pas-
senger sits well back and straight up in
the seat. If the seatback is reclined, the
risk of sliding under the lap belt and
being injured is increased.
When adjusting the seat positions, be
sure not to contact any moving parts to
avoid possible injuries and/or damage.
1-2 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system