The following are approximate capacities. The actual refill capacities may be a little different. When refilling, follow the procedure
described in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself”section to determine the proper refill capacity.
Capacity (Approximate) Recommended Fluidsand Lubricants
US measure Impmeasure Liter
Fuel 21-1/8gal 17-5/8 gal 80 Unleaded gasolinewith an octane ratingof at least 87AKI (RON 91)*1
Engine oil*8
Drain andRefill
With oilfilter change 5-3/8 qt 4-1/2 qt 5.1
• Engineoil with API CertificationMark *2
• ViscositySAE 5W-30
Without oilfilter change 5-1/8qt 4-1/4qt 4.8
Cooling system
With reservoir
2-3/4 gal 2-1/4 gal 10.2 50%Genuine NISSAN LongLife Antifreeze/Coolant orequivalent
50% Demineralizedor distilled water
Manual transmissiongear oil 2WD 4-1/4 qt 3-1/2 qt 4.0 GenuineNISSAN Manual Transmission Fluid(MTF) HQ Multi75W-85 or API GL-4, Viscosity SAE
4WD 4-3/8 qt 3-5/8 qt 4.2
Automatic transmissionfluid Refill to theproper level according tothe instruc-
tions inthe “Maintenance and do-it-yourself”
Genuine NISSANMatic S ATF *3
Powersteering fluid (PSF) Genuine NISSANPSF or equivalent.*4
Brake andclutch (if so equipped)fluid Genuine NISSANSuper Heavy Duty BrakeFluid *5 or equivalentDOT 3
Multi-purpose grease — — — NLGI No. 2 (LithiumSoap base)
Air conditioningsystem refrigerant — — — HFC-134a (R-134a)*6
Air conditioningsystem oil — — — NISSAN A/C System OilType R orequivalent*6
Transfer fluid 2-1/8 qt 1-3/4 qt 2.0 GenuineNISSAN Matic D ATF recommended *7
Front finaldrive oil 1-3/4 pt 1-1/2 pt 0.85 GenuineNISSAN Differential OilHypoid Super GL-5 80W-90 orAPI GL-5, Viscosity 80W-90,*9,
Rear finaldrive oil With A/T
With M/T
3-3/8 pt
4-1/4 pt
2-7/8 pt
3-1/2 pt
Genuine NISSANdifferential oil synthetic 75W-90or API GL-5 syntheticgear oil, Viscosity SAE
75W-90 *10
Windshield-washer fluid(shared between front and
rear wipers)
1-1/4 gal 1 gal 4.5 Genuine NISSANWindshield WasherConcentrate Cleaner & Antifreezeor equivalent
*1: Forfurther details, see “Fuelrecommendation.”
*2: Forfurther details, see “Engineoil and oil filterrecommendations.”
*3: IfGenuine NISSAN Matic SATF is notavailable, Genuine NISSAN MaticJ ATF mayalso be used. Usingautomatic transmission fluidother than Genuine NISSANMatic S ATFor Matic J ATF will causedeterio-
ration indriveability and automatic transmissiondurability, andmay damage the automatictransmission, which isnot covered by theNISSAN new vehiclelimited warranty.
*4: DEXRON™VI type ATF mayalso be used.
*5: Availablein mainland USA throughyour NISSAN dealer.
*6: Forfurther details, see “Airconditioner specification label.”
*7: Usingautomatic transmission fluid otherthan Genuine NISSAN MaticD ATF maycause deterioration indriveability and transfer durability, andmay damage the transfer,which is notcovered by the NISSAN
new vehiclelimited warranty.
*8: Forfurther details, see “Changingengine oil.”
*9: Forhot climates, viscosity SAE90 is suitable forambient temperatures above0°C (32°F).
*10: Seeyour NISSAN dealer forservice for synthetic oil.
9-2 Technical and consumer information