User’s manual NAVIGON 7310
Before you begin - 9 -
► Install additional software designed to make it even easier for you to
use your navigation system:
► NAVIGON Fresh for keeping your navigation system up to date
at all times and for using additional services
► NAVIGON Sync for transferring contact addresses from
Microsoft Outlook to your navigation system
How to install NAVIGON Suite:
1. Connect the navigation device to your computer with a USB cable.
- or -
Insert the microSD card from the navigation device into your
computer's card reader.
2. Open the file manager on your PC or Mac (e.g. "Windows-Explorer"
on a PC or "Finder" on a Mac).
3. Open the NAVIGON SD drive or the memory card drive.
4. Execute the PC_Start.exe file (PC) or MAC_Start.exe file (Mac).
NAVIGON Suite is opened.
5. Select your language.
6. Select the function you want.
7. Follow the instructions on the screen.
2.4 Important safety information
In your own interest, please read the following safety information and
warnings carefully before starting up your navigation system.
2.4.1 Navigation safety information
Use the navigation system at your own risk.
Caution! To prevent accidents, do not operate the navigation system
while driving.
Caution! Do not look at the display unless it is absolutely safe to do so!
Caution! Traffic regulations have priority over any instructions from the
navigation system.
Caution! Follow the instructions of the navigation system only when the
circumstances and the road traffic regulations allow you to do so! The
navigation system will still guide you to your destination even if you
deviate from the calculated route.