User’s manual NAVIGON 7310
Navigation - 28 -
(degrees), (minutes), (seconds).
The (E W) button alongside the entry box indicates whether it is an
eastern or western degree of longitude.
► Tap on the button if you want to change the current setting.
6.2.4 Selecting the destination address by voice command
It is particularly convenient to select the destination address by voice
1. In the Voice Control
window tap on NAVIGATION.
The V
OICE CONTROL window opens.
Indicated at the top is the country for which you can select
► Tap on the country if your destination address is situated in a
different country. Then follow the instructions given by the
navigation system.
You will be asked for the address data in this order: City > Street >
House number.
2. Follow the instructions given by the navigation system.
When you have finished entering the address, the map will open in
Preview mode. The destination is indicated on the map.
For detailed information on how to start navigation, please refer to
chapter "
2Route preview" on page 236. Please read on there.
Note: The Voice Control function is not available for every language.
In the languages for which this function is not available, the Voice
Control button is replaced by the Show Map button.
6.2.5 Points of interest
Points of Interest, called POI for short, are useful addresses that are
catalogued according to particular criteria.
POIs include ports, airports, restaurants, hotels, petrol stations, public
buildings, doctor's surgeries, hospitals, shopping centres, etc.
Points of interest can be displayed on the map by means of a symbol.
In the N
AVIGATION window tap on Options > Settings > Map Display >
Categories Shown
in order to select the categories you want to appear
on the map.