
Map Mode Practice Run
Start with the iWAY installed in your car. You should start out navigat-
ing to a destination you are already familiar with. Don't be too sur-
prised if the iWAY suggests a different route than you would take. Try
the iWAY's route. Then see "Knowing the Area" in Section 5.
1. Connect the unit to your car's power.
2. Press the
POWER key.
3. With your position acquired, press anywhere on the map display to
bring up the Map Cursor and the Map Display Toolbar. Here you can:
Zoom in or Zoom out using the + and – buttons on the Toolbar.
Zoom on an area using the zoom selection box button on the Toolbar.
Scroll map north, south, east or west by pressing on the map display
and dragging the map to show the area you are interested in.
4. Choose your destination. Find an interesting location within a short
driving distance from your house and press on the screen at that loca-
tion. You will see the Map Cursor pointing to the position you selected.
5. Press the Location Information button in the top right corner
of the page. It looks like the image at right and can be used to
open up detailed information for any item selected on the map.
6. The Location Information Screen appears showing details about the
location you selected including its distance away from your current po-
sition and its lat/lon coordinates. Choose
GO TO to begin navigating. The
Location Information Screen will disappear and navigation instructions
will begin to appear on your screen.
7. Press the
CLEAR CURSOR button (the button with a big "X" on it) to close
the toolbar. If Auto Zoom is on any changes to the zoom level will reset
when you Clear Cursor. Then press the Save Location button a but-
ton with a flag in the top right corner to mark your starting location.
ADD TO ADDRESS BOOK and then close all windows to return to the
8. Follow the iWAY's directions to the selected location. If you are com-
fortable finding your way in the area try departing from the route the
iWAY provides to see how it recalculates to correct for wrong or missed
9. To navigate back home follow steps 5-9 using the contact that you
created in step 8 as your destination in step 5.
10. To turn the unit off press and hold
POWER key for three seconds.