Clarion SR5000 Automobile Alarm User Manual

leases, sometimes an optional relay is required. If the factory
release is not power-activated, a trunk release solenoid can often
be added.
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Power window control can be provided
by one of two systems. The first system provides control that will
roll up two windows automatically when the system is armed, or
roll two windows down by using the remote. The second system
will roll two windows both up and down. This second system
also provides one touch switch operation.
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Control Unit:
The “brain” of your system. Usually hidden under-
neath the dash area of the vehicle. The control unit houses the
microprocessor which monitors your vehicle and controls all
system functions.
Starter Kill:
An automatic switch controlled by your system that
prevents the vehicle’s starter from cranking whenever the system is
armed. The vehicle is never prevented from cranking when the
system is disarmed, in override mode, or if the starter interrupt
switch itself fails. Your system has feature-ready circuitry for the
starter interrupt, however installation may require additional