warning response description
A warning Response consists of an alarm page along with the
responses described below.
SShhoocckk SSeennssoorr
- Light impacts to the vehicle will flash the
vehicle lights and chirp the siren for a few seconds.
RReemmoottee CCoonnttrrooll NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn
- Ten quick beeps (or one
RReemmoottee CCoonnttrrooll LLCCDD
- The full trigger alert icon (28) will
dimly illuminate for two seconds
➤ The transceiver will enter Page Recognition Mode and
operate alarm page alerts.
triggered response description
A triggered response can be activated by any of the triggers listed
below and consists of an alarm page along with the response
described for each trigger. The default triggered response dura-
tion is 30 seconds but can be programmed from 1-180 seconds
by your installer with the Pro Security Programmer.
SSeennssoorr TTrriiggggeerr
- Heavy impacts to the vehicle will instantly
sound the siren and flash the lights for the programmed
duration and report Zone 2.
note: Icons 13 and 14 represent alarm system zone
inputs. For more information about icons and the zones
they represent refer to the Standard Remote Configurations