Clarion SR5000 Automobile Alarm User Manual

car, it will be necessary to disarm the system with the trans-
ceiver. It is also possible to disarm the AED feature by
turning the ignition key to the RUN position and pressing
the override switch the programmed number of times. AED
is also disabled when the system is in override mode.
Siren tones and arm/disarm chirp volume. The output of the
siren consists of six different tones in sequence. Any of these
tones can be eliminated by the dealer, resulting in a unique,
easily identifiable siren sound. The arm/disarm chirps can be
either full volume or
66 ddeecciibbeellss qquuiieetteerr
than the full alarm
Using the Pro Security Programmer, the engine can be
programmed to run for any duration ranging from 1 to 60
1122 mmiinnuutteess
is the default. After the programmed
run time, the engine will shut down and will not restart,
unless in Timer Mode.
While the remote start system is running the engine, the
parking lights of the vehicle can
ffllaasshh oonn aanndd ooffff
or come on
and light steadily.
note: This feature will only function if the starter kill
relay has been installed.