L4 (LOW 4): This position does not limit gears,
but provides more engine braking, and lower
fuel economy, than DRIVE (D). The actual gear is
determined by throttle and vehicle speed.
L3 (LOW 3/DRIVE 3): This position prevents
fourth gear operation. Actual gear is determined
by throttle and vehicle speed.
L2 (LOW 2/DRIVE 2): This position prevents third
and fourth gear operation. Actual gear is
determined by throttle and vehicle speed. If you
shift from L3 to L2 at vehicle speeds exceeding
80 mph (110 km/h), the transaxle will not shift into
L2 gear until the vehicle is going slow enough.
L1 (LOW 1/DRIVE 1): This position prevents L2,
L3, and L4 gear operation. If you shift from L2
to the L1 position at vehicle speeds exceeding
40 mph (65 km/h), the transaxle will not shift into
L1 gear until the vehicle is going slow enough.
Automatic Transaxle Operation
(SS Models)
Your automatic transaxle
has a shift lever located
on the console between
the seats.
PARK (P): This position locks your front wheels. It
is the best position to use when you start your
engine because your vehicle cannot move easily.