Dial In User Statistics window 97
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 7 • Dial In
Remote-Local PPP Protocol Comprsn (diStatRemoteToLocalProtComp)
Indicates whether the remote PPP entity will use protocol compression when transmitting packets to the local
PPP entity. This setting becomes active when the link is in the up—able to pass packets—operational state (for
more information, refer to
“Operational Status (diIpOperStatus)” on page 98). These are the available options:
• disabled(0)—PPP compression is disabled
• enabled(1)—PPP compression is enabled
Local-Remote AC Comprsn (diStatLocalToRemoteACComp)
Indicates whether the local PPP entity will use address and control compression (ACC) when transmitting
packets to the remote PPP entity. This setting becomes active when the link is in the up—able to pass pack
ets—operational state (for more information, refer to “Operational Status (diIpOperStatus)” on page 98).
These are the available options:
• disabled(0)—ACC is disabled
• enabled(1)—ACC is enabled
Remote-Local AC Comprsn (diStatRemoteToLocalACComp)
Indicates whether the remote PPP entity will use address and control compression (ACC) when transmitting
packets to the local PPP entity. This setting becomes active when the link is in the up—able to pass packets—
operational state (for more information, refer to
“Operational Status (diIpOperStatus)” on page 98). These are
the available options:
• disabled(0)—ACC is disabled
• enabled(1)—ACC is enabled
Transmit Frame Check Seq. Size (diStatTransmitFcsSize)
The size of the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) in bits that the local node will generate when sending packets to
the remote node. This setting becomes active when the link is in the up—able to pass packets—operational
state (for more information, refer to
“Operational Status (diIpOperStatus)” on page 98). The values are from
0 to 128.
Receive Frame Check Seq. Size (diStatReceiveFcsSize)
The size (in bits) of the frame check sequence (FCS) that the remote node will generate when sending packets
to the local node. This setting becomes active when the link is in the up—able to pass packets—operational
state (for more information, refer to
“Operational Status (diIpOperStatus)” on page 98). The values are from
0 to 128.
This portion of the Dial In User Statistics window (see figure 38 on page 95) shows operational status and the
type of IP compression used.