Manage DNIS Window 86
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 7 • Dial In
DNIS IP Pools Window
Figure 35. DNIS IP Pools window
The DNIS IP Pools Window (see figure 35) contains the following items:
• Information about DNIS IP Pools set up—to view or modify individual DNIS IP Pools, select an ID in the
ID column. For more information about modifying a DNIS IP Pool, refer to
“DNIS IP Pool Entry Win-
dow” on page 87.
• Manage DNIS—clicking on the Manage DNIS link takes you to the link that shows the DNIS configura-
tions including the DNIS Profiles used. Refer to page “Manage DNIS main window” on page 78.
• DNIS Profiles—clicking on the DNIS Profiles link takes you to the page where you can view and change
the DNIS profiles. Refer to
“DNIS Profiles” on page 80.
ID (dnisIpPoolId)
An identification number that uniquely identifies the DNIS IP Pool.
IP Address Pool (dnisIpPool)
The IP Address pool that an IP address will be selected from for a dial-in user.
Status (dnisIpPoolStatus)
Indicates if the IP pool is used in any DNIS Profile.
• active(1)—This IP pool is used in one or more DNIS Profiles
• notUsed(2)—This IP pool is not used in any configurations
Add a DNIS Profile
Use this portion of the window to add a DNIS Profile.
1. Enter a unique ID in the ID field.