DSP information window 152
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 11 • Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Instance First State (dspStatefirst)
Identifies the current state of the first instance of the DSP.
• hardwareFailure(1)—During power up a self test routine detected a problem with this DPS. It will not be
booted with code or used for calls.
• pendingBoot(2)—Software on this DSP has stopped acting properly. This DSP will not be used for calls. At
the next convenient time the DSP will be rebooted.
• booting(3)—The DSP has just been loaded with code and we are now waiting for an indication from the
DSP that the code loaded properly and is running.
• hwReseted(4)—The DSP is reset.
• swLoaded(5)—Software is downloaded to the DSP or DSP group.
• waitForGroup(6)—DSP has responded to start command. DSP is now waiting for other DSPs in the group
to respond.
• unavailable(7)—The instance is fully operational and could be used to take a call except that the adminis-
trator has indicated that this instance should not be used.
• reserved(8)—The instance is fully operational and could be used to take a call. But, another DSP in the
same boot group as this one is pendingBoot. Therefore we are not to use this until the reboot occurs. This
state only appears where the PCB version is 1 or less, (for information on displaying the version, refer to
“PCB Revision (boxManufacturePcbRevision)” on page 233.
• suspect(9)—The instance is operational and could be used to take a call. But, we have seen a number of
consecutive failures so it will not be used until no other available instances can be found. A successful call
will place this instance back into the available state.
• available(10)—The instance is fully operational and can be used to take a call
Instance First Used By (dspUseFirst)
Identifies whether the first instance is in use or free.
Instance Second State (dspStateSecond)
Identifies the current state of the second instance of the DSP. See dspStateFirst for parameter values.
Instance Second Used By (dspUseSecond)
Identifies whether the second instance of the DSP is in use or free.
Call Statistics
This portion of the DSP information window (see figure 63 on page 151) shows the statistics of the individual
Originating Calls (dspOriginatingCalls)
The number of calls the DSP initiates for outbound calls.
Answering Calls (dspAnsweringCalls)
The number of calls answered regardless if the call was successfully completed.