Manage DNIS Window 83
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 7 • Dial In
Status (dnisIpProfileStatus)
Indicates if the DNIS Profile is used in any DNIS configuration.
• active(1)—This profile is used in one or more DNIS configurations
• notUsed(2)—This profile is not used in any configurations
Add a DNIS Profile
Use this portion of the window to add a DNIS Profile.
1. Enter a unique ID in the ID field.
2. Enter a valid IP Pool Id
3. Enter the login technique for authentication.
Entering an ID that is already configured will change the configuration.
DNIS Profile Entry Window
Clicking on the ID in the DNIS Profiles Window displays this window (see figure 34). In this window you can
change the DNIS profile.
Figure 34. DNIS Profile 1 window
IP Pool (dnisProfileSAssignedIpPool)
The ID of the IP Address Pool that will be used to select an IP address for the dial-in user. The IP Pool is con-
figured using the DNIS Ip Pool link. See “DNIS IP Pool Entry Window” on page 87 for more information
Do not enter actual IP address range here.
Login Technique (dnisProfileLoginTechnique)
The authentication method used to authenticate the dial-in user. The following methods are available choices:
• none(0)—no login sequence is enabled
• textORpap(1)—This setting enables clear text logins or PPP calls using PAP authentication.