Displaying the Alarms window 25
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 4 • Alarms
• SYSLOG/SNMP—For external notification, the access server can be configured to send a SYSLOG mes-
sage or an SNMP TRAP to an external management host. To configure the alarm response for either SNMP
Traps or SYSLOG messages, click on the
Alarm Response
link (go to “Modify Response—Configuring the
alarm response system” on page 27).
Displaying the Alarms window
Click on
under the
Configuration Menu
to display the Alarm System main window (figure 10).
The system administrator can manually generate a specific alarm for testing
purposes or clear the alarm counters from the main window.
Figure 10. Alarms main window
The POWER LED will flash if a power supply failure alarm is present.
Total System Alarms:X (alarmTotal)
The total number of alarms currently active on the system.
Besides enabling a user to view current alarm status, manually generate an alarm as a test, and clear the alarm
time and alarm count variables, the Alarms main window also contains links to the following:
• Modify Response—Clicking on this link takes you to a window where you can change how the SYSLOG/
SNMP function notifies remote users of an alarm (see
“Modify Response—Configuring the alarm response
system” on page 27)