Dial Modulations window 58
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 7 • Dial In
• Online—The access server has completed authentication and the user is now able to access the Internet.
• 12tpTunneled—Subsequent multilink call that was answered by another access server and tunneled to the
access server that has the originating call.
• Kill—The administrator can manually disconnect the user by activating this parameter.
• Dead—The user’s call has been disconnected. This message disappears when the linger time expires.
• Bury—The call has been killed and removed from the dial-in main window.
DSP Link (diactDSPIndex)
The physical DSP chip that the user’s call is on. This is a number from 0 to 59.
Connection Modulation (diactModulation)
The modulation type of the modem link (for example, V.34). The modem link can have these modulation or
data types:
• unknown(0)
• v21(1)—V.21 modulation
• v22(2)—V.22 modulation
• v32(3)—V.32 modulation
• v34(4)—V.34 modulation
• k56(5)—K56 Flex modulation
• x2(6)—X.2 modulation
• v90(7)—V.90 modulation
• v110(8)—V.110 modulation
• isdn64(9)—ISDN 64 modulation
• isdn56(10)—ISDN 56 modulation
• 12tp(11)—12tp tunnelled multilink call
• phase2(20)—Phase 2, an advanced state of modulation in v34 and higher
• answerack(21)—acknowledgement phase of modulation
• V92(22)—V.92 modulation
• moh(23)—Modem is using V.92’s modem-on-hold feature
• v23(24)—V.23 modulation
Transmit Connection Speed (diactTxSpeed)
The connected speed of the modem link (for example, 28.8 bps). These values, in bits per second, range from