
Dial-in Main Window 135
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 9 • Callback
Dial-in Main Window
Figure 54. Dial-in user waiting to be called back
State (diactState)
ringing(1)—leave as is
connecting(2)—leave as is
lcpNegotiate(3)—PPP LCP negotiations are currently taking place
authenticating(4)—leave as is
tcpEstablish(5)—telnet or raw TCP based connection is being established
online(6)—leave as is
disconnecting(7)—call is currently disconnecting
cleaningup(8)—call is disconnected, waiting on reply from radius server for stop packet.
dead(9)—leave as is
l2tpTunneled(12)—call is tunneled through L2TP.
waitCallback(13)—callback has been negotiated and the call has been disconnected and is waiting the
negotiated delay before calling back.