The Statistics section 33
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 5 • Authentication
Validated via static database (auAuthenticationsValidStatic)
The number of authentications validated by the Static User database since the last access server reset.
Denied authentications (auAuthenticationsDenied)
The total number of authentication attempts requested but denied since the last access server reset.
Primary server retries (auPrimaryServerRetrys)
The number of times the access server needed to make subsequent requests for a call to the primary RADIUS
authentication server.
Secondary server retries (auSecondaryServerRetrys)
The number of times the access server needed to make subsequent requests for a call to the secondary RADIUS
authentication server.
Accounting server retries (auAccountingServerRetrys)
The number of times the access server needed to make subsequent accounting requests for a call.
Primary server timeouts (auPrimaryServerTimeouts)
The total number of authentication timeouts by the primary RADIUS authentication server.
Secondary server timeouts (auSecondaryServerTimeouts)
The total number of authentication timeouts by the secondary RADIUS authentication server.
Accounting server timeouts (auAccountingServerTimeouts)
The total number of accounting timeouts by the primary RADIUS accounting server.
Maximum Response Time
The maximum time it has taken for authentication to be completed since the server rebooted.
Last Response Time
The time taken for the last authentication to be completed.