Dial In User Statistics window 92
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 7 • Dial In
• papAuthenticationFailure(49)—Invalid username/password combination
• papInvalidPacket(50)—Non-printable characters in username or password received from remote end dur-
ing authentication
• authenServerTimeout(51)—Authentication request timed out. The RADIUS server did not send a
response to the authentication request before the timer expired.
• authenAccountingTimeout(52)—Accounting request timed out. The RADIUS server did not send a
response to the accounting request before the timer expired.
• unknownProtocol(53)—The user initiates a PPP connection but the RADIUS replies to the remote access
server that the user is not allowed to connect using PPP.
• mfr2DisWaitCalled(54)—Call disconnected while we were waiting for the next expected called number
digit. The number of called number digits expected is more than the digits actually being sent or the Last
response code is configured incorrectly so the remote access server and switch can not continue on with the
interregister signalling.
• mfr2DisAckCalled(55)—Call disconnected while we were in the process of sending back the ack tone for a
called number digit or while we were waiting for the termination of the far end tone in response to our ack.
• mfr2DisAckLastCalled(56)—Call disconnected while we were in the process of sending back the ack tone
for the last expected called digit or while we were waiting for the termination of the far end tone in response
to our ack.
• mfr2DisWaitCalling(57)—Call disconnected while we were waiting for the next expected calling number
digit. The number of calling number digits expected is more than the digits actually being sent or the Last
response code is configured incorrectly so the remote access server and switch can not continue on with the
interregister signalling.
• mfr2DisAckCalling(58)—Call disconnected while we were in the process of sending back the ack tone for a
calling number digit or while we were waiting for the termination of the far end tone in response to our ack.
• mfr2DisAckLastCalling(59)—Call disconnected while we were in the process of sending back the ack tone
for the last expected calling digit or while we were waiting for the termination of the far end tone in
response to our ack.
• mfr2DisWhileComplete(60)—Call disconnected after the last expected digit was sent and acked. The num-
ber of calling digits expected may be less than the number of digits sent or the last response code for the
calling number is incorrect.
• exceedsMultiLinkLimit(64)—Exceeds multilink channel limit set either on the remote access server or in
the user entry on the RADIUS server
• sessionTimeout(66)—The length of the connection exceeds the session time limit allowed
• l2tpCallDisconnected—l2tp tunnel disconnected. The tunnel will be disconnected at the normal termina-
tion of the call.
• callingback(88)—call has been disconnected and user is being called back.
The following error messages are as a result of problems with connecting to the IP address/port specified for
the connection:
• tcpSideClosure(61)