Dial In User Statistics window 96
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 7 • Dial In
Remote MRU (diStatRemoteMRU)
The current value of the MRU for the remote PPP entity. This value is the MRU that the local entity is using
when sending packets to the remote PPP entity. This setting becomes active when the link is in the up—able to
pass packets—operational state (for more information, refer to
“Operational Status (diIpOperStatus)” on
page 98).
Local Multilink MRRU (diStatLcpLocalMRRU)
Multilink maximum receive reconstruction unit for the local device.
Remote Multilink MRRU (diStatLcpRemoteMRRU)
Multilink maximum receive reconstruction unit for the remote device.
LCP Authentication (LCPAuthOptions)
Authentication type used by the dial-in user. The following options are available:
• none(1)
• pap(2)
• chap(3)
• MSChapV1(4)
• MSChapV2(5)
• tacacs(6)—not currently implemented
• edp(7)
• ShivaPap(8)—not currently implemented
ACC Map (diStatLocalToPeerACCMap)
The current value of the ACC Map used for sending packets from the local modem to the remote modem. The
local modem sends this character map to the remote peer modem to ensure that the data being transferred is
interpreted correctly. This setting becomes active when the link is in the up—able to pass packets—operational
state (for more information, refer to
“Operational Status (diIpOperStatus)” on page 98).
Peer-Local ACC Map (diStatPeerToLocalACCMap)
The current value of the ACC Map used by the remote peer modem when transmitting packets to the local
modem. The local modem sends this character map to the remote peer modem to ensure that the data being
transferred is interpreted correctly. The remote peer modem combines its ACC Map with the map received
from the local modem. This setting becomes active when the link is in the up—able to pass packets—opera
tional state (for more information, refer to “Operational Status (diIpOperStatus)” on page 98).
Local-Remote PPP Protocol Comprsn (diStatLocalToRemoteProtComp)
Indicates whether the local PPP entity will use protocol compression when transmitting packets to the remote
PPP entity. This setting becomes active when the link is in the up—able to pass packets—operational state (for
more information, refer to
“Operational Status (diIpOperStatus)” on page 98). These are the available options:
• disabled(0)—PPP compression is disabled
• enabled(1)—PPP compression is enabled